Interactions of aspirin and other potential etiologic factors in an animal model of reye syndrome. Studies have shown that taking aspirin increases the risk of getting it. Laumentato rischio di sindrome di reye in bambini e adolescenti e uno dei motivi per cui questo principio attivo non e raccomandato durante questa fascia di eta. Dengan dugaan adanya kaitan antara aspirin dengan terjadinya sindrom reye, maka berhatihatilah dalam memberikan aspirin pada anakanak di bawah usia 16 tahun. Reye syndrome is a rare condition where children develop liver disease and encephalopathy following viral illness, usually in combination with the ingestion of aspirin. Even though liver toxicity typically occurs, jaundice usually does not. A sudden, sometimes fatal, disease of the brain encephalopathy with degeneration of the liver, occurs in children most cases 412 years of age, comes after the chickenpox varicella or an influenzatype illness, is also associated with taking medications containing aspirin. The rise and fall in the incidence of reye syndrome is still poorly understood and unexplained. Review of aspirinreyes syndrome warning statement april 2004 page 5 susdp at the 50th meeting of the dpsc in august 1988, after discussion of the issue and recommendations made by adrac and ntgc during the period 19861988. The author defines and discusses reye s syndrome and the hypotheses relating to its causes and associating its incidence with that of chickenpox and influenza a and b. Reye s syndrome virtually disappeared from much of the world after the use of salicylate in febrile children was successfully discouraged. Reye syndrome is a rapidly worsening brain disease. The recent decline in the incidence of reye s syndrome appears to be related to the reduced use of aspirin in children and adolescents. The child with reye s syndrome first tends to be unusually quiet, lethargic stuporous.
This is because doctors and parents no longer routinely give aspirin to children. Reye syndrome can lead to a coma and brain death, so quick diagnosis and treatment are critical. Symptoms may include vomiting, personality changes, confusion, seizures, and loss of consciousness. Esta afeccion ocurre en ninos y ado lescentes hasta 18 anos, con mas frecuen cia en zonas. Death occurs in 2040% of those affected and about a third of those who survive are left with a significant degree of brain damage. This severe sepsislike disease was thought to be caused. Reye syndrome disease fact sheet spanish wisconsin. Sindrom reye gejala, penyebab dan mengobati alodokter. Review of aspirin reyes syndrome warning statement. Though aspirin is approved for use in children older than age 3, children and teenagers recovering from chickenpox or flulike symptoms should never take aspirin.
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